Posted on 09/05/2008 by RealityWanted in Big Brother and Cast Interviews
Q. Mark, Have you ever watched prior seasons of Big Brother and if so which player was most memorable?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: Evel Dick!
Q. Mark, What got you interesting in applying for season 10 and did you know what you were really getting into?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: My daughter Paris told me about applying, so Paris and my son Patrick thought I'd be really good. However I could have never dreamed I would be cast for my favorite show. I knew what I was getting into, yet you truly don't know until you live it.
Q. Mark, Dan enjoyed pushing your buttons at time and you seemed to know what he was up to when he devised plans like POV Roulette. What are your thoughts on Dan?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: Dan is a young man who is unforgettable. He is very immature in his behavior and acts like a 10 year old. At times he would really annoy me, but I could handle him. I believe Dan was infatuated with me.
Q. Mark, What was your favorite POV or HOH competition you participated in?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: My favorite competition was the HOH I won.
Q. Mark, Who will you keep in touch with after the show?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: I truly could not say at this time who I would keep in touch with. Keesha may be a possibility.
Q. Mark, If you could have voted someone back into the game who would it be and why?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: Michelle or Angie, I really liked them, they were extremely sweet.
Q. Mark, What do you think was the biggest mistake you made if any?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: The biggest mistake I made was not winning the POV for the Rock a Bye Veto. It would have secured my place in the final four.
Q. Mark, There are thousands of people who dream of being in the Big Brother house, what advice would you give them about how to best prepare for the house and the game?
A. Renny, Big Brother 10: Thousands of people dream about being on the show, so did I. Listen never give up on your dreams, look what happen to me. The best advice for preparing for the show would be to study puzzle solving and do your homework when it comes to studying housequest photos. You could never prepare yourself for the game. It's something you have to get in and maneuver around carefully.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.
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