Posted on 07/28/2009 by RealityWanted in Big Brother
By: Nick Starcevic
Is it just me or do the rest of you feel like you're watching a remake of The Breakfast Club? The similarities are uncanny, with the outcast Lydia, playing Ally Sheedy's role and the athlete Jessie, playing the role of Emilio Estevez. These two polar opposite people end up falling in love at the end of the movie, and the same is happening inside the house, with Lydia and Jessie. Although, with The Breakfast Club, it ends with Judd Nelson walking away on the football field with his fist in the air and with Lydia and Jessie, it is still painfully going, and may lead to the damage of the retinas of viewers around the world. On to week three of the Big Brother 11 RealityWanted Rankings.
(read week one predictions HERE and week two Here)
Week 2 RealityWanted Rankings:
13th Braden (-) Evicted
In the words of Braden himself, "Congratulations."
12th Laura (-) Evicted
Big Brother savvy but not as much as Ronnie "The Lich King" Talbott.
11th Casey (-8)
I had high hopes for Casey and just last week I had him at the number three spot. He trusted in Jessie, which was a mistake, and will now probably get booted out of the house. I can't feel all that bad for the guy though, because he had the chance to protect himself in the game by playing in the Power of Veto competition and having the chance to win the veto and keep himself safe. He decided to not try as hard as he could have because of the fact he thought he was safe. Now, Thursday looks like his last day in the house and to add on another insult, he's had to wear a banana suit for the last couple days. Not a good week for Casey. The good news is that he'll be able to DJ Bar Mitzvah's as soon as possible.
10th Jessie (-5)
Jessie is on a roller coaster ride in the house this year. I have to give him props for going all out and trying to win everything he can but I think this week is a week he should have thrown to Jeff. Jessie would have been safe, by being in the athlete clique, and he could have played next week for the Head of Household. Also, he is trying to eliminate Casey from the house, who seemed to have Jessie's back. I think Jessie could have gained some respect by getting Ronnie out this week but by not doing so, could have put a large target on his back. If someone from Jessie's alliance doesn't get Head of Household this week, then I expect Jessie to be put up.
9th Natalie (-2)
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Natalie and Jessie are attached at the hip. They are a combination to be dealt with and as soon as they don't have the power Jessie and Natalie will be going up. Ronnie will also be thrown in the mix as well with the aforementioned. A lot of the houseguests dislike Natalie and keep talking about her young age. I still don't understand why she lied about her age and told people she was 18 but I think that, coupled with the fact that a lot of people don't like her will lead to an early exit.
8th Ronnie (+3)
After last week's debacle, I can actually see Ronnie lasting a couple of weeks. Ronnie should receive some major accolades for staying up in his room for as long as he did. I think that move actually helped gain him allies, who felt badly for him. All-in-all, I think that Ronnie is in a lot better spot than he was at the beginning of this week.
7th Lydia (+3)
One of the vilest people I've ever seen on television. The thing she has going for her is her relationship with Jessie. As long as Jessie is around, Lydia will be safe. Jessie is a bigger target than Lydia and I would guess he would be addressed sooner than she would. She is the type of person who could snap at any moment though, and alienate herself from everyone inside the house, including Jessie.
6th Jeff (+2)
Jeff is sticking around from week to week because of the clique twist. He is not a smart dude but down the road, he could be the only one left from his alliance. If everyone from his alliance is taken out early, I can see him making it to this point and possibly teaming up with Russell. I think Russell knows that he isn't in Natalie and Jessie's long term plans and would benefit from teaming up with Jeff to help propel them both farther in the game.
5th Chima (+4)
Chima is doing a good job of telling people what they want to hear. She also has a fairly good rapport with everyone inside the house. I think she's smart enough to let the two groups fight it out and then re-align when the numbers get smaller and get the stronger players on her side. I could possibly see a combination of her, Russell and Jeff down the road.
4th Jordan (-)
I think Jordan is going to be like Sharon from Big Brother 9, with frequent trips on the block. Like I've stated previously, Jordan isn't that bright but she's very personable and a couple of the fellas have a thing for her. People will continue to keep her around because they will think that they will be able to bring her in as an ally, down the road. I still like her to be in the final four.
3rd Russell (+3)
Russell moves up three spots this week because he is starting to fit in a lot better with everyone inside the house. He is being a lot more civil with people and if he continues this type of demeanor, he'll have a great shot of making it to the final four. He is also not really tops on anyone's hit list right now and continues to work on possible allies, like Michelle.
2nd Michelle (-1)
Michelle could have been the one leaving this week, had she not won the Power of Veto this week. I still like where she is sitting right now, although the more I watch her, the more socially inept she looks within the house. She is having a hard time fitting in but I look forward to seeing where she ends up when the two factions implode.
1st Kevin (+1)
Kevin continues to impress me by not ruffling a lot of feathers. I like the game that he is playing and continues to float along. He is in a good spot with both factions within the house and if he ever gets put on the block, I suspect he will go on there with his best friend within the house, Lydia and I believe she'd be an easy choice to go before Kevin.
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