Posted on 07/15/2010 by Gina in Big Brother
by Sandhurst Miggins
I love Big Brother because the game starts from the first week. No waiting for half the season to go by before it gets dirty. Anyway, at the beginning of last night's episode, we see a fuming Brendon with his showgirl-friend locked away in the red bedroom, discussing what just happened at the nomination ceremony. Brendon thinks Hayden is intimidated by him and I'm not too sure if he's wrong about that, and they are both convinced that Hayden didn't come up with the nominations all by himself which is quite ironic because half of Hayden's "Brigade" alliance, Meow Meow Enzo and The Beast Lane, both saunter into the room to, you know, check in and make sure the two are ok. Annie is also there to comfort the hot nerds, which sets off the alarm bells in Enzo's head. At least Brendon can look on the bright side, providing this episode's Mushy Moment when he turns to Rachel, looks deeply into her eyes and says "At least I got to meet you."
It's funny, but even though these two are on the chopping block because everyone thinks they have an alliance going, Rachel and Brendon continue to segregate themselves. While everyone is in the kitchen eating and hanging out, the two smarties are snuggled up on the hammock, whispering sweet nothings in each other's ear, before hiding under a blanket to start the first make out session of the season. This, of course, arouses everyone's curiosities and soon, the entire kitchen is pressed up against the window trying to see the action. Hell yeah! Kiss in the face of adversity, I always say. Tell those bitches, "I don't care". If anything, Brendon may be going home this week, but at least he's going to get some action before he leaves.
After a good snug on the hammock with his showgirl, Brendon talks to Hayden in the HOH room. This is setting up to be another "Battle of the Alpha Males" season as I am getting a slight Jesse vs. Jeff feel from these two. I like the fact that Brendon is taking charge and putting it all out on the table, basically saying, "Look man, I know you're threatened by me and if I win POV and stay for another week, you should watch your back." To me, it looked like Hayden was actually a little concerned even though in his confessional, he was supposedly flabbergasted that Brendon would actually threaten him, knowing that he was the guy in charge. Note to the wise Hayden: You won't always be HOH. Brendon does make a mistake though, offering up too much information by telling Hayden that he thinks that Annie is trustworthy. This leads me to a tip for future housemates on Big Brother. If you have any friends of alliances in the house, don't bring their names up in any conversation with the enemy, unless you really want them to go home. The house works on paranoia. With Brendon showing his trust in Annie, Enzo's warnings start to ring true in Hayden's mind.
With the tension of the nomination still high in the air, it's time to choose players for the Veto competition. As usual, the HOH and the two nominees have to draw randomly from a bag to decide which other guest will play. HOH, Hayden draws Enzo and the two lead "Brigadians," think that it couldn't have worked any more perfectly. Brendon picks Andrew, a neutral, and Rachel picks Monet, which causes her to rolls her eyes at her luck. Now, in Rachel's defense, I understand why she rolled her eyes. She wanted someone that she thought would help and Monet is not exactly showing herself to be one of those people, but at the same time, Rachel, this is Big Brother and you can't afford to make mistakes like showing people any kind of dislike towards them. That's a first class ticket home right there.
The veto competition is another messy challenge as the six competitors have to race across a yard of hanging piñatas filled with rotten mayonnaise and a letter. They must grab and break open as many piñatas as time will allow, to try to spell the longest word they can. As the competition ends, the results unfold like this. Hayden spells "POSSIBLE" for 8 letters, Enzo, "FACTORY" for 7. Rachel again, to Britney's disgust, flaunts her degree, spelling "CHEMISTRY" for 9 letters, thus bouncing Hayden from the top spot. Later, she secretly confesses that she wanted to scream "Brendon and I have chemistry." Aww, how cute but really lady you just met the guy. Monet tries her best with the 8 letter word "CHEATERS," but then Brendon blows them all away with the mammoth 13 letter word,
"UNDERSTANDING". Yeah, sucks for the Brigade. To round it all out, Andrew tries to spell the 11 letter word pasteurized but spells it incorrectly, claiming in his interview that he did it on purpose. Yeah, sure you did buddy. Anyway, Smarty McSmartypants Brendon wins the POV thus throwing a serious wrench in the Brigade's plans.
With the balance now shifting, the Brigade is forced to find a replacement should Brendon save himself or Rachel. Though Kathy's name was thrown into the mix, Meow Meow Enzo begins to fervently push for back-dooring Annie. According to Enzo, Annie is the "best player in this game" and getting her out now would be a major power play. Umm...Enzo it's Day 6... power play, really? Are we even talking about the same woman? ‘Cause I don't know about you but from what I see on television Annie doesn't seem to be the maniacal, mental, mastermind of manipulation that he seems to believe she is.
The situation further starts to look bleak for Annie as Britney adds her two cents to the cries for Annie to take the nomination chair as she too begins to express her worries of the closeness of Annie to Brendon and Rachel. Now the weird part about all of this is after Britney talks with Enzo, Hayden and the gang and makes it a point to say, "No one tell her we're talking about her," she later goes and brings it up to Annie that Hayden is concerned that she is getting to close to Brendon. Annie, as expected, runs off to find Hayden to discuss what's on his mind, revealing that Britney had informed her that he was considering her for the chopping block. I really didn't see how doing that made sense to Britney in the long run. I mean, now Hayden and the Brigade know that they can't trust her and now Annie and the McSmarties are also going to be a little weary of her to say the least. I'm going to say it now, bad move Britney, bad move
With all the excitement and drama behind the POV competition taking center stage, I must admit I too just like the housemates completely forgot about the Saboteur, which I also admit I didn't know how to spell before this season. Thanks Big Brother, but I digress. Apparently, according to the Saboteur, there are two people living among them, who already know each other. This sends everyone into a frenzy, trying to find bizarre links between everyone else like "You two look old so you must know each other." Andrew, in one of the few moments he is actually given camera time on the show, decides to waste his 15 seconds by bizarrely announcing that he couldn't possibly know any of the houseguest because he is the only Jewish person there and thus setting the Jewish community back centuries has just stated that Jewish people don't know any other people besides other Jewish people. Andrew, I get it. you don't want to paint a target on your back by trying to obviously paint one on but I am thinking you might want to start rethinking that strategy.
I actually think the link is not so secret after all. I believe the two are Brendon and Rachel and that they are actually already a couple and are trying to act as though it's now starting. That would be a good idea if it were true. I mean it allows them to spice up their relationship and seriously no man could be in the Big Brother house with his girlfriend and pretend to not know her. How long do you think a guy with Rachel as a girlfriend could go without, you touching her?
Well, onto the first Veto Ceremony and Brendon, as is customary, gives Rachel a chance to say why he should give it to her. Rachel gives the old, "Do what you got to do" speech then Brendon does what he needed to do and saves himself. Hayden is forced to choose a replacement and low and behold he picks Annie, surprise, surprise. Enzo really seems to have his hands deep in Hayden cause he is playing him like a puppet. Annie claims her space on the chopping block obviously pissed and calls out Britney for her web of lies. So now it's a battle between Rachel and Annie, both claiming to not go down without a fight, both with, to me an equal following in the house. Who do you think will be the first eliminated houseguest? Who's the Saboteur? Who already know each other? Even though I think it's Kristen, tune in for the saboteur's big reveal and for the first eviction of the season
Tune in to Big Brother, tonight at 8/7c on CBS.
(Image courtesy of CBS)
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