Posted on 09/09/2010 by Gina in Big Brother
by Gina Scarpa
Last night, on Big Brother, Britney was evicted and the three remaining Brigade members began the battle to become the final HOH this season. Tonight, in round 1, hanging from ropes on a zip line, the boys were flung back and forth into walls until they fell off. They really seem to be enjoying it way too much! Things go from fun to... well, not... when Big Brother forces them to go through a wall of freezing cold water. The rope is wet, the seat is uncomfortable, the guys are cold, and willpower really starts to come into play.
Surprise, surprise. Enzo falls off first. Did Hayden just say Enzo has "zero intestinal fortitude"? Translation: he has no guts. A little more than two hours later, Lane hit the ground, which means that Hayden wins round 1. He's going to need to round 3 because I'm pretty sure, at this point, nobody is taking him to the final two.
We get to finally see Joelle, Enzo's wife that he's been talking about throughout the game. He may be Meow Meow in the game, but home, he's known as Mr. Mom. Enzo's also a hell of a hard worker, holding down two full time jobs and still finds time for his family. His family is convinced that he's the brains behind the Brigade operations. Is he calling the shots?
While things are hunky dory between the final three players in game, the same cannot be said for the jury house, aka Drama Central. Before Ragan and Rachel can come to blows, Matt pulls him outside to tell him the truth about his wife. As you might expect, Ragan is so pissed that he gets emotional. Who wouldn't? It was a crappy lie to tell and probably the lowest one could sink in the Big Brother game.
Ragan doesn't get to process it for long because Rachel heads outside to instigate a fight - and gets what she's looking for. Never has anyone wanted more camera time than Miss Hair Extensions herself. People are so tired of hearing her voice that ever her "man" doesn't bother to step in anymore.
Back to the Big Brother house, the land of rational conversations and peaceful friendships. Lane and Enzo must identify of two Big Brother players whose pictures have been morphed together to look like Frankenstein. Ew. Never have they looked uglier. Lane's up first and finishes in 1:13. Enzo heads outside next but quickly gets confused, finishing in 1:43. Lane wins the second round and will face off against Hayden in round 3.
Find out who becomes the new HOH on Big Brother, Sunday night at 8/7c on CBS.
(Image courtesy of CBS)
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