
Female, 29, fresno CA


Page 13 of 24
Displaying 20 comments
LAMAR said:

I VOTED GORGEOU$...........

Posted 02/16/2009 09:24 pm

Chasee said:

Vtd back! Thank you!

Posted 02/16/2009 08:44 pm

stacy said:

vtd please return the favor good luck

Posted 02/16/2009 08:31 pm

Anne said:

voted Tag You're it

Posted 02/16/2009 06:07 pm

Nikki said:

vtd u know i gotcha thanks 4 the love stop by again when u can:)

Posted 02/16/2009 05:13 pm

Erika said:

Voted 4 all.

Posted 02/16/2009 03:37 pm

Tara said:

thanks voted!!

Posted 02/16/2009 03:02 pm

Charisma said:

Voted, Thanks 2 ur continuous votes I got a call last week :)

Posted 02/16/2009 02:42 pm

Germaine said:


Posted 02/16/2009 02:38 pm

Antwan said:

Your week is starting off on the positive side...because of my vote!

Posted 02/16/2009 01:22 pm

Holley said:

tag you are it

Posted 02/16/2009 12:05 pm

Damian said:

all votes are in for the day. holla.... Dame

Posted 02/16/2009 11:51 am

Victoria said:


Posted 02/16/2009 10:09 am

Omar said:


Posted 02/16/2009 09:41 am

MaryE said:

sun vts. Thank You! :)

Posted 02/16/2009 01:52 am

Quinnesha said:

Had a Wild Valentines But I'm Back now and In full Effect Vtd and thanks again 4 your support.

Posted 02/15/2009 10:45 pm

lula said:


Posted 02/15/2009 10:40 pm

Priscilla said:

thnx! yeah well now u can say u can! :) vtd 4 u too luv 4 all 5 shows!! good luck!

Posted 02/15/2009 05:56 pm

Erika said:

Sunday's votes for you.

Posted 02/15/2009 01:29 pm

stacy said:

Sundays votes good luck please return the favor

Posted 02/15/2009 11:46 am

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